Jul 10, 2019 | Blog, Essential Oils, Featured, My Color of Grief
I’m talking about grief tools… some of my must have combos! Come take a listen. Recommended Resources: Aroma Freedom Technique by Dr. Benjamin Perkus Essential Oils recommended: Valor Joy Harmony White Angelica Awaken Release Acceptance Trauma Life My...
Apr 11, 2019 | Blog, Featured, My Color of Grief
If you haven’t listened to the previous talk with Sarah Adamo, press pause, and go back to OA episode #54 first. There, she shares here story of walking into the Emergency Room with her husband, Jacob, and then walking out with his wedding band in her pocket just 11...
Apr 4, 2019 | Blog, Featured, My Color of Grief
Sarah Adamo shares her gracious story of grief (part 1 of 2) About a year ago, Sarah Adamo walked into the Emergency Room with her husband, Jacob. He’d been dealing with some health issues which- in the 20/20 perspective hindsight offers us- had been creeping on him...